Structure and phase relations ofice polymorphs

I am an ice enthusiast. To date, 20 ice polymorphs have been reported, but I believe there should be more. My research aims to discover unknown ices as many as possible.

Why new phases? Because new-phase discoveries are the keys to cultivating new fields related to water. Even a single new phase can contribute to improving theoretical water models, push experimental techniques up to new levels, gain insight into the behaviour of hydrogen bonds, and more and more. Exploring new phases is one of the most important and powerful motivations for ice researchers. And, needless to say, it's always fun and interesting!

I mainly rely on crystallographic techniques: in-situ x-ray and neutron diffraction. Additionally, I am establishing quench-recovery systems in our lab to analyse high-pressure ice samples at ambient pressure, and use calorimetric (DSC), spectroscopic (Raman, dielectric), and other techniques if necessary as complementary methods for better understanding. I am also interested in developing new experimental techniques, especially in "importing" methods that can readily performed at ambient conditions but are at present difficult to conduct under high-pressure and/or cryogenic conditions.

Hiroki Kobayashi


Geochemical Research Centre (Kagi Lab.), Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo.

Research Interest

Physics and chemistry of ice, high-pressure science, crystallography, phase transitions

Research Experience

High-pressure neutron diffraction (powder & single-crystal), high-pressure X-ray diffraction (powder & single-crystal), high-pressure Raman spectroscopy, DSC measurements, etc.


Room 2702, 7F, Chemistry West Building, School of Science, 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan.

Education history

  • 2024 – current. PhD student at Department of Chemistry, the University of Tokyo; supervised by Prof. Hiroyuki Kagi and Kazuki Komatsu.
  • 2022 - current. World-leading Innovative Graduate Study program for Materials Research, Information, and Technology (MERIT-WINGS), the University of Tokyo; advisory supervisor: Prof. Zenji Hiroi.
  • 2022 - 2024. Master course student at Department of Chemistry, the University of Tokyo; supervised by Prof. Hiroyuki Kagi and Kazuki Komatsu.
  • 2021 - 2022. Undergraduate student at Geochemical Research Centre, the University of Tokyo; Supervised by Prof. Hiroyuki Kagi and Kazuki Komatsu.
    BSc from the University of Tokyo

Forthcoming events

  • I will visit Lund, Sweden, for the IUCr High-Pressure Workshop in 24–30 September.

Recent presentations

  • [Invited] Hiroki Kobayashi. "Crystallography of ice under high pressure". SwedNess PhD Student Networking Day, IQBRC Building, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan. 27 Aug. 2024.
  • [Japanese] 小林 大輝. "Impact of ice Ih on the doping assisted hydrogen ordering in ice VI". 氷・水・クラスレートの物理化学に関する研究集会「H2Oを科学する」2023, 北海道大学 低温科学研究所. 6–7 Mar. 2024.
  • [Japanese] 小林 大輝, 小松 一生, 伊藤 颯, 鍵 裕之. "氷IVにおける微弱な水素秩序化の観測". 第64回 高圧討論会, 千葉県柏市 さわやかちば県民プラザ. 1-3 Nov. 2023. (Poster)


  1. Mar. 2024. 東京大学理学系研究科研究奨励賞 (Graduate School of Science Awards for Master's studies, UTokyo).
  2. Aug. 2023. CrSJ Travel Award (fund for the attendance at IUCr2023).
  3. Dec. 2022. Best presentation award, 6th Neutron and Muon School. "Observations of phonons by inelastic neutron scattering"
  4. Mar. 2022. 東京大学理学部化学科長賞 (Department of Chemistry Chair Award, Faculty of Science, UTokyo).